[Salon] G7 calls for 'humanitarian pauses' in Israel's bombardment of Gaza

FM: John Whitbeck

Transmitted below is a link to a report on the "unified stance" of the reputational walking dead of the G7 with the respect to the situation in Gaza.

The five white former imperial/colonial powers (including the "honorary whites" of Japan, so designated by the South African apartheid regime) and the settler-colonial state of Canada have fallen into line behind the current position of Israel's wholly-owned subsidiary, the United States of America, in advocating "humanitarian pauses" in Israel's ongoing genocidal massacres of innocents in Gaza but not a ceasefire and an end to them.

By so doing, they have reconfirmed their wishes that Israel should continue its genocidal massacres of innocents for as long as Israel derives satisfaction and pleasure from them.

On October 20, I wrote that advocating "humanitarian aid" or "humanitarian pauses" in the perpetration of a genocide while simultaneously supporting the continued perpetration of that genocide "is the cynical moral equivalent of advocating that Holocaust victims be offered a cold drink on their way to the gas chambers."

And so it remains.

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